Considering Hello Kitty is on some form of world domination quest, it is only logical that someone decided to mod a case to look like this. What is next, Hello Kitty Coffins? Hello Kitty tampons? I shudder at the thought.
Even though I'm not a big fan of the whole Hello Kitty theme, you have to admit this case does look quite girly. And for those girls you are into Hello Kitty, they will surely love this case. It is a pity they aren't commercially produced, but this could give you some ideas to do a mod like this yourself.
Moving onto some commercially available cases we have the GMC R2 toast. This is a full atx case, and comes in a nice cherry red color. It is not as blindingly pink as the Hello Kitty one above, but not all girls are obsessed with pink!
There is a good reason this model is called the Toast - the optical drive is vertically mounted which is something you don't see every day. It's a novel idea, but in my opinion the last thing I want to think about are my components baking inside the case like toast! Either way it is a smart looking case, and retails for around $39.99 which is good value for money.
GMC seem to do a few more brightly colored cases, so next up we will check out the R3 Corona. This particular case has a stylish black front plate, with the sides being a nice hot pink color. Once again GMC have gone with a odd design for the optical drive. The big bulge on the top/front of the case house the optical drive, but unlike the Toast the optical drive opens downwards instead of upwards. Having seen a video of this in action, it looks a little strange at first, but it is definitely a unique idea. It seems like this case is out of stock everywhere i look, so I can't even give a price on it. GMC caters towards budget cases though so I wouldn't think it costs too much over $50.
Last up we have the Apevia X-Plorer2-PK. This is a nice mid tower case with a window in the side.It has a lcd temperature display on the front which is nice, and has quite a few different spots for 120mm cooling fans. In terms of looks, I think this one is a great compromise between looking feminine and stylish. The pink on the front of the case isn't too glaring apparent, and the sleek design adds a classy overall look. Currently this case retails for quite a reasonable $60, so at this price this may be my next case! I think this is the best overall choice for any female gamer and I was quite impressed when I came across it. Newegg have quite a few positive review on the case, you can read about them right here.
Bonus Pic:
Even this case is too girly for my liking !
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