Anyway onto the software...Many of you out there may have noticed that there are lots of applications out there that allow you to control your pc from your phone, but there is a distinct lack of applications that allow you to control your phone from your pc. There could be a good reason for this, but I'm not really sure why. This was the sort of software I needed for one main reason - Whatsapp messenger. I have a few friends who absolutely swear by it, and refuse to migrate to any desktop based chatting programs which is quite annoying ! So when it comes to long conversations on Whatsapp, I always wished I could type using my keyboard instead of my touchscreen.
Curiosity got the better of me one day, and after some deep digging on Google, I finally discovered a little gem called Remote Professional. This was the exact piece of software that I was looking for!
It is designed for Symbian OS phones, and was recently updated to add S^3 support so it was my lucky day. The software is comprised of two parts, the desktop application and the phone software. It is pretty basic to operate, all you do is install both parts of the software, then you run the client on the phone, and connect via the pc. The great thing about the software is that it not only supports a usb connection, but also a wifi connection. This essentially means that while my phone is charging on the other side of the room, I can sit and chat on Whatsapp using wifi at my desktop - very very cool!Their website also lists bluetooth support but I haven't tested this out personally.
The performance of the software is really good too as there isn't really much noticeable lag. There is also a copy from phone to pc, and copy from pc to phone feature which comes in quite handy at times.
You can even record videos and take screenshots of what is being displayed on the screen. Yet another little feature I should mention is the ability to block the screensaver from turning on while you are using the software - very handy if you are having a conversation and you don't want to be continually unlocking the phone to carry on chatting.
The software comes with a trial version so you can check it out for yourself over here so you can decide for yourself. I've put some screenshots below so you can see what it looks like.